Are you feeling an intuitive calling to pivot your work and expand into a deeper expression of your creativity?

I've felt these intuitive nudges throughout my creative career journey, experiencing profound shifts of awareness and growth each time I say YES to the inspiration that wants to be expressed through me.

Through my personal experiences and working with clients, I've learned so much about what's needed to take the risks necessary to live the creative life you're longing for. It's often about creating the safety and structure required to sit in the unknown. The unknown is where new ideas emerge. It's a place of wonder and adventure, and I love it. It would be my honor to support you as you navigate the fears that arise in deepening your connection to your creative process and expanding your reach, meeting the edges of what you feel is possible. Your creativity is the medicine your Soul is longing for.

That is why I designed The Creative Sphere!

A 10-month small group support system designed to help you deepen your connection to your creative longings and expand into the next aligned vision of your creative work so you can build a body of work that feels authentic and inspired and honors your personal needs and financial stability.

Each month has a theme with teachings, tools, meditations, and inner guidance work.

As part of a small cohort, I'll guide you toward listening to your unique visions, trusting your intuition, tracking your progress, and clarifying your intentions for your work so you can share it with clients, customers, and collaborators.

I'll make sure you're focused on the things that help you build trust in your intuitive guidance and engage with your creative process so you can bring your inspirations to life.

My intention for The Creative Sphere is that you have the support you need to build a body of work that feels aligned with what inspires you most, honors your health and personal needs, and strengthens your financial stability.

The structure of the container will be guided by 3 frameworks.

The 5 Personality Patterns:

From every wound grows your greatest gifts.

Access and own the gifts that have grown from your wounds so you can stop judging yourself for being stuck in self-sabotaging patterns and benefit from your creativity.

The 5 EYES:

The medicine resides within you.

The 5 EYES are the innate abilities of your mind, body, and energy system: Inspiration, Intuition, Instincts, Imagination, and Intention.

We will build trust in these abilities so you can build a body of work that feels authentic and aligns with expansive opportunities so you can feel momentum and connection with who you want to work with.

The 5 Levels of Dreaming:

Deepen your connection to your dream life.

Learn how to strengthen your dream recall, journal your dreams, and interpret your dreams so you can receive inspiring, intuitive information that will inform your creative work and beyond.

Connect With Me

I invite you to request a free Creativity Call where we can dive into your creative longings, and I can hold space for any fears arising as you say YES to what you want to create this year.

During the Creativity Call, I will ask you a series of questions to help clarify your visions and give us time to see if we'd be a good fit to work together.

Please take your time filling out the application; I read them carefully to assess whether the Creative Sphere would be a good fit to support you.

Anything is possible with commitment and the proper support.